Monday, January 28, 2008


Update: 10:15pm
Mama is doing fine, she came out of recovery at approx. 9:00am and got to her room around 12:00pm, she said she was a little clueless, because no one really came to explain anything to her, so she really didn't know anything except that the opperation went ok. Finally a nurse came in and put curculation cuffs on her legs, so she asked him if she could have some ice chips, he said that she could, and he asked her if she was cold (because the other nurses wrapped her head all up in blankets) and she said no, and asked if she could remove the blankets, and he said yes, it just seemed as though no one was taking any initiative there.
We visited her around 6:30pm and she said she still wasn't in any major pain, she did feel the "pressure" when full, which is regular for Lap-Band patients. Hopefully she can get a good nights sleep.
She should be home around noon tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers!

My mother has gone in for surgery today, it's for 7:30am. She is having the Lap-Band put in.
I am so excited for her, she has tried so MANY diets, but can never keep the weight off. I told her last night to just think she'll only be skinnier from here on. Hallelujah!
She will be very much missed today! I have my vacation until next Monday, so this will be a very nice week.
Yesterday, I signed-up for my SAT's they are on March 1st. Lord willing I will get a "passable score" :-) I am so thankful that the Lord provided Melanie to accompany me, we were both really nervous about going to a public school alone.
Well until another day, farewell!


Mrs. Pizo said...

I did not know that your Mom was having surgery. I am so glad that things went well. I will pray that she continues to heal!

Kujomania said...

Thank you!
She will need your prayers. She is having some more pain now, but the meds are helping.