Friday, February 1, 2008


Mama has been home for a couple days now, and is feeling pretty good considering.
She took her band-aid's off yesterday morning, she still has some dissolvable butterfly-type stickies on, so they aren't completely open.
She is feeling so much better that she is actually going to cook Chili for the "Chili Chill Out" tomorrow, (with some help, of course) I am a stir fanatic, anything that needs to be stirred I will be right beside it :-)
Also, could you please be praying for my friend Kim, her dog had bloat which is quite serious, and her son went in for surgery a couple weeks ago (not sure for what), but he is only about 8 yrs. I e-mailed her but she is usually really busy so she hasn't replied yet. I will update if I find out anymore info on the situation. Thank you very much!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Glad your mother is doing so well Mallorie! As always, prayers for you and your family, and your friend this time too.