Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fellowship in the Spirit!

I am so excited, it is Sunday, the Lord's day! Off to church for another amazing sermon, then out with Melanie, lots of fun there, and then back to church for yet one more amazing sermon!
Me and Melanie have been waiting for about a month to get together to talk about college, we haven't been able to talk much due to the very busy Christmas season!
I am so glad that I have a blog now, it will be really nice when I am away at college.
Well I better go eat breakfast now, I am spending just a little to much time on this "blog".


Jennifer said...

hooray for college! funny how is says you posted at three something this you really get up that early to get ready for church or is it just that the time is off?

Kujomania said...

yeah, I know, all the times are off, I am going to see if I fix that. thanks for posting :-)

Mrs. Pizo said...

He Lady,
I love the blog. I will check it more often. I am glad that you found ours. I found your's via Jens. I will have to put you on the blogs I visit so I can keep up with you. I am so glad you are thinking of college.
