Saturday, March 15, 2008


Well I took the test today.... not feeling so good about it, but the Lord can do anything, and seeing how it's his will for me to go to college than I am sure he will help me. I really didn't know much in the math section, but I didn't do that bad (I don't think) in the english section.
Now I have to prepare for the GED.... boy is this stuff stressful though!! I think I was more nervous just being in a public school for the first time. I hope I wont have to go back, at least for testing.
Please remember Mel's testing in May. I am sure she will do great!!! But please pray for her :-)
Thank you all for your prayers, they are appreciated :-) Talk to you later...


Jennifer said...

honestly, when i took my SATs i was nervous too. where to go? where to sit? will all these people know each other? i am sure you did great. of course they put stuff on there you wouldn't know that way they can tell if you are advanced:) let me know how you do! did you have to take them for college? does nebc require it?

Kujomania said...

Hey Jen!
I am SOOO bad, I haven't checked my blog in ummm..a month or so.
Yeah you are so right that is exactly how I felt. Yes, NEBC does require it. I did pretty bad, I dont really know exactly how low a score the college will except, I got like 950, or somthing. Pretty low huh.
So how are you doing?
I love talking to you!