Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Back to work

After a nice long week back to work I go....please pray that I would have a positive attitude about it, and that I would be an example to those around me.
Kujo is a bit more excited about it than I am, but I am happy that when we return home he will be exaughsted!!
Well I will see some of you on Saturday!


Jennifer said...

hey! i stopped in at your work today to give out coupons from my work:) i hope all is going well for you - the pics of your dog are adorable!

Kujomania said...

Oh really!!
Sorry I missed you!
And thanks for the compliment on the boys!
Are you going to be able to make it Saturday, or are you working?
Work is going good, I will be going in at 6:30am instead of 7:00am, which will be kinda nice, it will give me some more $$.