Monday, October 20, 2008

College life...

Hi Everyone!!!  Sorry I haven't kept up with my blog, I am not permitted to go on the website at school.
Hmmm.... where to start-I am learning so much,  I am especially learning how to deal with people. I am thankful that the Lord has given me opportunities to help encourage some of the girls who are having difficulties in their lives, and just take time to pray with them.
Something amazing that the Lord has really shown me is that I need to be more "prepared", on Saturday night I had been asked to play a special for chapel on Mon., I had been preparing to play in chapel sometime in the next couple of weeks, -but at the last minute, I thought??- then quickly agreed to do it, and he just opened the door right then, and it it went very well. 
I have mid-terms this week and I just finished 2 of the bible courses, so I should just have English now.  I am very eager to be back home for the holidays!
I cannot wait until Pastor and Mrs. Messer come for chapel in Nov. I am very anxious to see them, and hear the message that is laid on Pastor's heart.
I have to get going now but, please feel free to post!        Mallorie


Mrs. Pizo said...

I miss you! I am so glad you had a chance to post. How exciting to play for chapel. You are so gifted. I am looking forward to seeing you at thanksgiving. Take care!

Jennifer said...

hooray! you posted! i am glad that classes are going well and to hear that you have such a positive outlook on the friend thing. i know how it can be hard to make good friends, and will be praying for you! i'm glad to hear that all is well!

Kujomania said...

Thanks for leaving comments :-) And thanks for your prayers.
I miss you all, see you soon...
