Thursday, January 3, 2008

My dear friend, and our story

Carolyn and I have never met in person, she saw a post of mine on Stringworks two years ago, and wrote me, and we have been friends ever since. We share so many similarities, and both strive to serve the Lord as best as possible, (even though we all make mistakes).

Maybe if it be God's will we can meet in person someday!

Carolyn shares a love for music and plays violin, harp, and piano, she also went through the Suzuki method, and teaches violin.

In April 2006 Carolyn started getting extremely bad headaches, and went to doctor after doctor, and had lots of tests, bloodwork, you name it, finally after 14 long months she was cured. She had something called an "Atlas Reset", (read more about the procedure here She "gives all the glory and honor to our dear Lord", for the whole experience, and is currently taking a 9 mo."Massage course". Through all her enduring, she has found God's plan for her life. It is so amazing to hear what God does, and is doing in others lives :-)
She has worked with that same Doctor who did the procedure on her, and helped others with similar problems.

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